
Book Cover Design
Book Cover for Learning Spanish
Book Cover
Book Cover
Book cover
Book Sover Design
romance cover
Book Cover
Non Fiction Cover
book cover
Life Up Kids Logo
arche logo

Über uns

Mitglied seit: 29. Januar 2014


"Great designs, fast communication, great understanding"
ProfilbildgunwoC vor 10 Tage bewertet
"I loved my design, it is simple, modern and straight to the point depicting perfectly the topic of my book. I highly recommend this designer."
Profilbildanatball.machadQ vor 17 Tage bewertet
Profilbildqwerty4 vor 16 Tage reagiert
"I have absolutely no complaint with Qwerty4. I will work with them again. "
Unbekannter Kunde vor 26 Tage bewertet
"Thank you. :)"
Profilbildqwerty4 vor 25 Tage reagiert
"Qwerty4 understood the seriousness of the book's title to provide a calm and serene cover. During the polls with potential buyers, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you!"
Profilbildterrissterk vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Thank you so much!:)"
Profilbildqwerty4 vor etwa ein Monat reagiert
"Absolutely fantastic designs and very easy to work with. I will definitely be in touch for designs for my next book cover!!"
Profilbildbillemarkp vor etwa ein Monat bewertet
"Thank you so much! Looking forward to working on new projects. :)"
Profilbildqwerty4 vor etwa ein Monat reagiert